In this research, the color system was analyzed according to the International Lighting Commission (CIE) standard by studying the\ntheoretical aspect of the general color system according to the latest communication theories of the visual image supported by\nmathematical equations and illustrations supporting the relevant hypotheses and then a comparison of evolution. There is an\nenormous use in color spaces and systems according to their own use, where the use of colors has become in various areas\nincluding television systems; computer systems; industry and product colors; printing of all kinds of black and white and color;\npaint colors for buildings, houses, and cities; and many other color-related uses. The development of color spaces and systems\nfrom 1931 to the present day has expanded a lot, and this led to the emergence of new areas of color systems characterized by\naccuracy and beauty and became the color of the subcolors according to the desire of the customer and the quality of use. The\ndevelopment of color systems has an impact on visual communication such as television broadcasting systems, medical image\nprocessing, and video signal processing, as well as in the field of computer such as graphic equipment and printing.